Cenex®, CHS的皇冠hga010安卓二维码品牌,以及 Farmers Cooperative Oil of Elbow Lake 和 Wendell明尼苏达州., have awarded the West Central Ag Boosters with a $25,000 家乡骄傲补助金 来支持成长的格兰特县.

家乡骄傲补助金 supports West Central Ag Boosters

Cenex®, CHS的皇冠hga010安卓二维码品牌,以及 Farmers Cooperative Oil of Elbow Lake 和 Wendell明尼苏达州., have awarded the West Central Ag Boosters with a $25,000 家乡骄傲补助金 来支持成长的格兰特县.

Cenex®, CHS的皇冠hga010安卓二维码品牌,以及 Farmers Cooperative Oil of Elbow Lake 和 Wendell明尼苏达州., have awarded the West Central Ag Boosters with a $25,000 家乡骄傲补助金 来支持成长的格兰特县. 

The West Central Ag Boosters 来支持成长的格兰特县 was nominated by Farmers Cooperative Oil of Elbow Lake 和 Wendell for its contributions to the West Central Area Schools, Ashby Public Schools 和 surrounding communities for its dedication to advancing agricultural education, 肉类和蔬菜生产, 和慈善事业. 

These efforts have bolstered the availability of local food to communities, while teaching life 和 career skills to high-school students.

“Growing Grant County’s unique efforts have had a profound impact on the students 和 residents of Grant County,埃里克·萨瓦茨克说, agriculture education instructor at West Central Area Schools. ”越来越多, distributing 和 packaging quality foods through local food shelves, it fosters a strong sense of connection between those in need 和 the students involved. It also facilitates connections between students, 社区领袖和潜在雇主, 建立一个紧密的支持网络. The 家乡骄傲补助金 will allow us to continue our mission 和 grow our capabilities.”

Growing Grant County began two years ago with the leadership of Eric Sawatzke 和 the West Central Area FFA Chapter, who initiated fundraising efforts 和 established a state-of-the-art greenhouse. 随着梦想的扩展, 成长中的格兰特县诞生了, in partnership with the West Central Initiative, 西中央区学校和阿什比学校.

The greenhouse cultivates produce — including lettuce, 黄瓜, strawberries 和 peppers — for distribution within schools 和 local food shelves.

With the help of various fundraising efforts 和 grants, Growing Grant County continues to exp和 its resources. 在接下来的几个月, the organization will add a new meat processing trailer to increase processing capabilities.

另外, Growing Grant County will increase its classroom space 和 will add an industrial-grade generator to the greenhouse to ensure essential equipment is operating properly if power is interrupted.

The organization's innovative approach educates students in the proper processing, storage 和 distribution of meats to local food shelves. Students have unique access to a processing 和 butchering trailer 和 necessary refrigeration equipment to give them h和s-on experience to learn about food processing.

另外, 该倡议与当地农民合作, gardeners 和 growers to collect excess produce, 处理好,分发给有需要的人, 有效推广本地采购, 高质量的, 有营养的食物.

“The positive impact that Growing Grant County has had on our community 和 the energy around the initiative is astounding,德里克·伯索尔说, general manager at Farmers Cooperative Oil of Elbow Lake 和 Wendell. “It is fun to see the students be inspired to give back to their community while also learning valuable life skills. We are excited to see the program continue to receive funding with the 家乡骄傲补助金 和 look forward to seeing the program grow.” 

West Central Ag Boosters 来支持成长的格兰特县 will use the 家乡骄傲补助金 to further the initiative by providing tools 和 resources to continue to serve local residents. 具体地说, the grant will be used toward electrical 和 space needs for the new mobile meat processing trailer, along with purchasing various items needed to produce the food.

With continuous investments into local organizations through its 家乡骄傲补助金 program, the Cenex br和 continues to show its commitment to rural neighborhoods. 到2023年底, Cenex将捐赠超过500美元,000 to local organizations since the program’s inception in 2019.

通过这项倡议, Cenex 和 its network of locally owned 和 operated stores keep neighbors supported 和 connected, preserving the bonds that make these communities special.

“The Cenex br和 takes great pride in supporting its local communities,Mimi Berlin说, CHS营销专家. 多年来, we have been able to support organizations like Growing Grant County that give back to the communities we call home. 首页town Pride has allowed us to continue to uphold our mission of building, 维护和保护强大的社区”

To learn more about how the Cenex br和 gives back to local communities, follow us on 脸谱网, Instagram, TikTokYouTube,或浏览 www.Cenex.com/local-giving.


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